We now have an Official VEGA Conflict Discord!
For the latest updates on what's happening in BP, check our Announcements channel here in THE BOARD.
For Battle Pirates general chat, suggestions, or bug reports, visit the DISCUSSION category.
For community guides and support; alliance recruitment; off-topic discussion; or if you just want to share a cool piece of Battle Pirates media that you made, head to the UNOFFICIAL CHANNELS category.
You can join the Discord channel here.
To read a full list of our community rules, visit this post on the KIXEYE forums
For a more casual breakdown, read below:
• Be friendly and polite at all times.
• Show respect to everyone on this server, no matter their role.
• We welcome constructive criticism but have zero tolerance for aggressive or entitled demands.
• Harassment, abuse, hate speech or any kind of discriminatory speech will not be tolerated.
• Do not spam. Do not tag people repeatedly or without need.
• Do not post any NSFW content (images and text, including your avatar and nickname, relating to explicit sexual content, mind-altering substances, political and religious discourse, piracy, cheats, cracks or any kind of copyright breaching materials).
• Threats, including those “made as a joke” will not be tolerated.
• Do not reveal private information about any individuals or corporate entities.
• Do not advertise other discord servers or third party websites.
• Conducting any kind of economic activity on this server is strictly prohibited.
• Use correct channels that are specific to your needs.
• Breaking these, depending on the gravity of the breach, may result in a ban.
• The rules are non-exhaustive and the moderators will use their judgment when dealing with disruptive behavior.
• Do not argue with moderators or community team.
• Circumventing a ban will get you an automatic perma-ban.
• If you see anyone breaking these rules, please PM one of the moderators or a community team member.